How Long Do Dental Veneers Last? | The Smile Architects

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Team Veneers

Dental veneers are a cosmetic improvement that can be made to your teeth. They conceal imperfections and give your teeth a new facade. Veneers are a relatively quick process for improving your smile, giving you new looking teeth in as little as one appointment. 

Are you thinking about getting dental veneers? If so, you probably have some questions, such as how long they last. Here’s what you should know to determine if veneers are right for you. 

What Are Veneers? 

Veneers are thin, shell-like pieces that attach to the front side of your teeth. Veneers are shaped like a tooth, but thinner. A slight amount of enamel is removed from each tooth before the veneer is attached in order to make them look more natural and to make it easier for the veneer to bond to the tooth. 

Dental veneers can conceal stains, chips, uneven lengths, gaps, and crooked teeth. Your teeth will look uniform, straight, and white for a better looking smile. 

Average Lifespan of Dental Veneers 

Dental veneers last an average of 10 to 15 years. In many cases veneers last longer, and in some cases they don’t last as long as expected. This is due to a variety of factors. 

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of Veneers?

The lifespan of dental veneers is primarily determined by the following factors:  

  • Oral hygiene. Keeping your teeth clean is just as important with veneers as without, perhaps even more so. The teeth under your veneers must remain healthy in order to support the veneers. It is still necessary to brush twice a day and floss once a day. 
  • Professional dental care. Going to the dentist every 6 months will help keep your veneers clean and in good condition. If there is a problem with your veneers, it can be discovered and addressed during your routine dental visits. 
  • Quality of the veneers. Veneers are made out of different materials. Porcelain is the highest quality material for veneers. Composite and other materials are more susceptible to chipping and staining. 
  • Eating habits. It is important to be careful when biting into food with your veneers. You should avoid biting into certain foods with your veneers. Cut hard or chewy foods up into bite size pieces that you can chew with your back molars instead. 
  • Teeth grinding. If you grind your teeth, it helps to wear a night guard over your veneers when you sleep. This prevents damage to your veneers from grinding or clenching your teeth at night. 

How Do I Know if My Veneers Need to be Replaced? 

If there are obvious chips or breaks in your veneers, you know they need to be replaced. The same is true if one or more of your veneers is loose. Your dentist can evaluate the condition of your veneers when you come in for regular dental cleanings and oral exams. If you’ve had your veneers for more than 15 years, there is a good chance that they will need to be replaced soon. 

Once I Have Veneers Can My Teeth Go Without Them? 

Unfortunately the teeth have to be permanently altered to be fitted with veneers. The enamel that is removed can’t be replaced. Once you have veneers placed on your teeth, you will need to replace them with new veneers if the first ones wear out. 

Where Should I Get Veneers? 

Many dentists offer veneers, but not all offer same-day veneers. When you come to the Smile Architects, we can create your veneers and place them on the same day, giving you a new smile in as little as one appointment. Our veneers are made of high quality porcelain that is manufactured to last. 

To learn more, call 704-875-1621 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.