Invisalign® in Huntersville, NC

Office Front Desk Photo

The Smile Architects provides Invisalign in Huntersville, NC. Call 704-875-1621 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

We are proud to be Invisalign Gold Plus providers. This innovative orthodontic system eliminates the need for bulky brackets and wires; instead, Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that gently reposition teeth over time. We use Invisalign to correct crooked teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and crowding.

Your Invisalign aligners are designed and created uniquely for you using a 3D model of your smile by our doctors. Wear them for 22 hours each day and move onto the next set of aligners every two weeks as directed. Each new set of aligners brings you closer to your beautiful new smile.

Benefits of Invisalign

For all but the most complex orthodontic cases, Invisalign works just as well as traditional metal braces. The advantages of the Invisalign system include:

  • Invisalign® is Discreet

    Because your aligners are made with thin, clear plastic, no one will even realize you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.

  • Invisalign® is Comfortable

    There are no wires poking your cheeks or brackets irritating delicate soft tissues.

  • Invisalign® is Convenient

    Your aligners can be removed for easy brushing and flossing; there are no food restrictions, so you can continue eating whatever you like without worrying about food damaging your brackets or wires.

Invisalign® Treatment Process

  • Scanning Your Teeth Photo

    Scan Your Smile

    First, we will create an accurate 3D digital impression of your smile using our Primescan® digital scanner.

  • Photo of Treatment Planning

    Create a Treatment Plan

    Using Invisalign®’s ClinCheck® software, we will work to create a plan for the transformation of your smile.

  • Smile Preview Photo

    Preview your Smile

    We can even show you the shifting of your smile from beginning to end, even before treatment has begun.

  • Close Up of Aligner's Material Photo

    Create the Aligners

    Once your digital plan is finalized, your custom aligners are made using our state-of-the-art printing process.

  • Invisalign Aligner Photo

    Wear Your Aligners

    Wear your Invisalign® clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for the best results, and take them out only to eat, brush, and floss. While wearing your aligners as prescribed, your teeth will gradually and gently shift into alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign®

  • Is Invisalign® more affordable than braces?


  • Which is better, braces or Invisalign®?

    Both braces and Invisalign® do an excellent job straightening teeth and correcting malocclusions, so answering which option is better comes down to your preferences and lifestyle. There are some rare circumstances in which a patient’s orthodontic needs are complicated and can only be corrected with traditional braces.

  • Can you eat with Invisalign® in?

    No, you will need to remove Invisalign whenever you eat. This is what allows you to continue to eat any foods you like even when undergoing orthodontic treatment with Invisalign®.

  • Is Invisalign® a permanent fix?

    Yes, like any other orthodontic treatment, your results from Invisalign® will be permanent as long as you maintain them. We will provide you with Invisalign® Vivera retainers to wear after your treatment is complete.

  • Can I leave my Invisalign® out for a day?

    While it’s understandable that you may wish to take your aligners out for special occasions, it’s important not to make a habit of this. Your aligners only work when you wear them—when you don’t wear them, your teeth aren’t moving. The result is that your treatment time is extended.

  • How long does Invisalign® treatment take?

    The length of your Invisalign® treatment depends on two factors: your compliance with the program and the amount of correction needed. Data from Invisalign® reports that the average treatment is 12 to 18 months, but yours may be longer or shorter depending on your needs and whether you wear your aligners as instructed. Generally, it is half the time of regular braces.

  • Can adults use Invisalign®?

    Yes, Invisalign® is an excellent orthodontic treatment option for adults. Most of our adult patients aren’t excited about the idea of going to work or social events wearing metal braces! Invisalign® allows them to straighten their teeth without feeling self-conscious since aligners are virtually invisible.

  • Is Invisalign® worth it for older adults?

    Invisalign® is well-worth the cost involved. While you may be most excited about your beautiful new smile, it’s also important to note that Invisalign® will improve your oral health too. Straighter teeth are easier to keep clean, which means a decreased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. If you had an issue with your bite, correcting it can prevent your teeth from abnormal wear and even improve TMJ symptoms and headaches.

  • What is the average cost of Invisalign® for adults?

    The cost of Invisalign® depends on the number of aligners needed for your treatment. When you come in for a consultation, we can provide you with the cost involved for your unique treatment plan.

  • How long do adults wear Invisalign®?

    The average treatment time for Invisalign® is 12–18 months, but every patient is different. One benefit of Invisalign® is its predictability—during your consultation, we’ll be able to give you an estimated timeline for your treatment.

  • Does insurance cover Invisalign® for adults?

    If your insurance plan covers orthodontic treatment for adults, it’s likely to cover Invisalign®, but this isn’t always the case. Contact your insurance provider to find out if Invisalign® is covered. Our team is also happy to help you understand your benefits and out-of-pocket costs.

  • Can Invisalign® make you look younger?

    Yes, Invisalign® can make structural changes to your face and sometimes these changes result in a more youthful appearance. Braces can lift the mouth upwards for a firmer look.

Are you looking for a dentist in Huntersville, NC? Contact us today to schedule an appointment.